
The HOPE Organisation

Introducing High-Or Inc.

Development Strategy of The Hope

Inquiries at
and the address below.

The HOPEOrganisation:

  • An Internet service for promoting optimistic and ambitious global visions (such as, literally realizing heaven/paradise on earth) and related business plans with $1,000 - $200,000 investment opportunity units. Designed for idealistic and visionary hi-level professional and/or artistic people everywhere, in particular for people engaged in Hi-Tech firms. The objective of the is to develop understandings, new problem-solutions and collaborative projects from our innovative inputs. The intention is to facilitate a world-wide cybernetic network of enlightened people and therapeutic communities and to serve them with quality offerings.

  • The current service provides some HIGHly ORiginal articles, models and tools for Human Reconstruction. It operates a free service providing subscribers with periodic new papers and short stories for all interested, and plans to offer billed two-way consulting service for corporate and individual clients.

  • HOPE (High-Or Partnership Enterprises) was founded by High-Or Inc., a VR-Estate and Medical Hi-Tech Consulting firm operating from the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. TheHOPE provides access to forming business partnerships with High-Or Inc. The initial service is through the partnership of High-Or Inc. and the Academy of Jerusalem, for disseminating quality papers of related interest contributed by members of the Academy of Jerusalem. It is thus the first of a network of partnerships that High-Or Inc. intends to develop with appropriate partners who sympathize with the spirit and contents of TheHOPE material.

  • HOPE's own vernacular is thus often couched in Biblical and traditional Jewish terms and its original ideas are often inspired by these sources, but they are open to partners of any culture and religion. We seek partnership for business and conversation, rather than conversion.

    Several meanings are enfolded in the Name of HOPE.

  • High means "supernal" while in Hebrew, "Hi" means "Living" and "Or" means "Light", thus this name means something like: "The Supernal /Living Light Partnership Enterprises".

  • All around and inside our made-up concepts there is still the High and Holy Light of HOPE, plain and simple, a light-word that gives a worthy cause for Living fully, bathed in that High, Holy Light. So we make things to give us HOPE that each one's pains will disappear and to realize whatever we pine for.

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    Introducing High Or Inc.
    "Technology for Enlightenment"
    (High-Or in Hebrew means Living Light)

  • High Or Inc. is a high-tech. design firm, developing virtual/ real-estate and novel "Technology for Enlightenment". High Or Inc. holds shares and real assets plus numerous patents, trademarks and copyrights.

  • High-Or Inc. promotes holistic and health enterprises and is interested in networking to provide visionary ideas and innovative projects. Its focus is to develop facilities and procedures needed for its clients to develop a creative healthy Vision, and is currently developing computerized programs for individual, group and corporate rectification.

  • Inquiries Email: and at the address below.

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    Development Strategy of TheHope:

    1. We started with the partnership of The Academy of Jerusalem and High-Or Ltd Internet home page to serve as a reference to, and show-case for, the concerns and resources of HOPE.

    2. Create Links and reach partnerships with other sympathetic persons and organizations. Later articles, generated through partnership with other bodies may be saved on their home pages, with links at TheHOPE.

    3. Generate some high-involvement small-scale cooperative projects that will be of interest to a fair-size audience - such as the cooperative literary project of "The Wandering Wonder Jew Ahashverosh".

    4. Develope multi-media presentations on Kabbalah, the New Israel, and other of our favourite topics.

    5. Develope and operate TheHOPE CLUB as subscriber's service for people who may identify with these messages and want to find kindred souls to present their messages and exchange views.

    6. Advertise TheHOPE widely, through specialized and general journals and the Internet.

    7. Coordinate events of HOPEful and redemptive nature through TheHOPE site - for example the Sh'khinah Passion - Yeru-Shalayim Alpayim (Jerusalem 2000) event. In particular, promote the Yeru-Shalem Universal Temple (YEShUT) through appropriate (virtual) demos and events.

    8. Develop demos of the Paradise Internet site and of the Virtual Temple, seeking further investments and collaborators in their actualization.

    9. Introduce billing for our special virtual environments and billed consulting services. Train and engage individual therapists and consultants as licensed collaborators that work through the net and use HOPE's special procedures and facilities.

    10. Develop The Temple Gate CD-ROM and/or develope and operate TheHOPE Paradisical Internet Site as a gate for the Virtual Temple, so that a person may be healed sufficiently to enter the Temple. Ultimately: Develop the WWW HOPE Site on the Internet into a Big Business of a fee-operated, worldwide healing (and holy) services. People will purchase passes privately, or receive them from their local authorities welfare services. Participating professional will get venues and credits for consulting and supportive services.

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    See also Current Partnership Proposals

    Inquiries at and at the address below:

    S-mail High-Or Inc.POB 8115, Jerusalem 91080 Israel.

    Tel (972) 2 627-1633, Fax (972) 2 627-7980
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