The aim of this section:
The illustration of genuine personal accounts of instances of Enlightenment/ Satori/ Samadhi.Any member of the Hope Club may offer their personal experiences of Insight.
Remember that your offerings may also spell Hope for others.
Meanwhile... this section contains:
A few personal "sparks", experienced by Yitzhak Hayut-Ma'n.
Below is a list of some possible accounts. Only two have been written (#2 and #6), as they involved other people. The remaining experiences listed are quite personal and subjective and have been delayed for publication. ( Frankly, I don't know if to write them would be mere personal indulgence, or is there a reason to publish them? e.g. - to enrich others, to explain "where I'm coming from" and/or to dispel worries concerning whether I am some one else's agent or "front").
I therefore appeal to the readers to decide, and to mark which experiences they want to read. I'll write and publish those that interest more than one person. The second and third series listed below may require a contribution to expedite the job.
Series 1:
Early Revelations/Satories (i.e. sudden enlightenments, Oxford Dict.)
- Satori One: My own Jabotinsky Reaction, Haifa 1959.
- Satori Two: Conversation Praxis with Gordon Pask, Richmond 1966, 1975.
- Satori Three: The San Francisco Revelation at the Coit Tower, 1967
- Satori Four: A Left angel at the Carnival at Bahia, Brazil 1974.
- Satori Five: Post Carnival Epiphany at Itapoa, 1974
- Satori Six: The Initial Appearance of Yishma'el,1974
- Satori Seven: To write the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, Twickenham,1975
- Satori Eight: Finding the Tree of Life at Neve Tzedek, 1980
- Satori Nine: Meeting the Guardian Cherub at Neve Tzedek, 1980
Series 2:
Post-Epiphanic personal notes
Following my Epiphanies in Brazil 1974 and until about 1988, I wrote ecstatically about 1,000 pages (most in A5 ring binders) with a wealth of revelations, dreams, schemes and plans for Peace-Making and other laudable aims. These are ecstatic and private notes that may need much editing. Copies are offered at $100 per binder for those interested, which will go towards their editing.
Series 3:
The Jerusalem and The Temple Mount Revelations
There are some 18-20 items on files, gleaned during 1988-98 in Jerusalem, most self-reported as private notes. They may need fair amount of editing by another person. Needs contributions for editing job, about $100 per item.
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