The HOPEVisionary Projects |
The HOPE ORGANISATION plans to fulfill the promise of hope implied by its name (in Hebrew TiQVaH) for all our clients of |
The NEW ADAM Project:
- envisions the reconstruction of humankind through the Biblical images of the Creation, Formation and Making of Adam and the terms and technics of the Kabbalah. It regards The Virtual Yeru-Shalayim Universal Temple (the VR YEShUT) as the global facility for operating this global transformation. In the act, individual and small-group improvements can be fed-back into the transforming Humankind Body. See the following papers:
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The NEW ISRAEL Projects:
- envisions how to make Israel the state of all its citizens, both actual and virtual residents. This means solving the civic rights problem of the Arabs of the land not by a Palestinian State (which is bound to cause them dismay) but by comprising Tribe(s) of The New Israel with its Twelve Tribes. Yet this also means The New Israel acting as The Virtual Universal Israel, which has virtual citizens in the whole world who share the aspiration for the reformation of all humankind through the agency of The New Israel.
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The New/Heavenly Jerusalem Project:
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The Virtual Third Temple/The VR-YeShUT Project:
- envisions how the Future Temple of Jerusalem can be realized peacefully in our times, by using the new cybernetic media. High-Or Inc. develops a demo as The Internet VR-YeShUT (or The Internet Universal Temple of Yeru-Shalem) which will offer The YeShUT Cells as individual therapeutic facilities, and The YeShUT Chambers for supporting redemptive group processes. Through the WWW, the individual and group self-improvement exercises join together into the redemptive project of all humankind. Establishing the Virtual Third Temple
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See also a list of The Hope's proposed Modest-Size Projects. Inquiries at and at the address below:
High-Or Inc.POB 8115, Jerusalem 91080 Israel. |