High-Or Inc.    hi-or.gif

High-Or Inc. hi-or-sm.gif is a high-tech design firm whose mission is to develop technologies that help lead individuals and organizations to a higher state of consciousness.

In particular, we explore the interface of cybernetics and Light Technologies (such as lasers) for inducing "enlightenment".

We see High-Or as a vehicle to develop the vision of the HOPE into reality via business Partnership Enterprises.

Our initial partner in the HOPE is the Academy of Jerusalem and our biggest long term project is building the Virtual Yeru-Shalem Temple.

We also engage in a range of small projects such as publications (the Hebrew word for publishing means literally "to bring to light"), games design and developing communication devices such as the "Magical Round Table" and the "Life/ Light Trees".

See some of our registered High Or Designs on this site.

High Or Inc Investments are in kindred companies that share good human and business potential.

We welcome your feedback and contributions.

S-mail High-Or Inc., POB 8115, Jerusalem 91080 Israel

phone Tel (972) 2 627-1633, Fax (972) 2 627-7980

E-mail us at thehope@actcom.co.il or use the comments form below

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